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Facing a New “Age of Migration”? Methodological Challenges, Conceptual Questions, Political Entanglements ESA RN 35 “Sociology

  31 March, 2016

1–2 September 2016 Bucharest
Organizers: ESA RN 35 “Sociology of Migration”,
Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy
Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest
Keynote: Prof. Bridget Anderson, Professor of Migration and Citizenship, and Research Director of COMPAS
In the midst of intense public debates and political discussions on migration, ESA Research Network 35 “Sociology of Migration” announces its third mid-term conference, to be held from 1 to 2 September 2016 in Bucharest.
The main theme of the Conference will be to reflect on the question of whether or not European countries are currently facing a “new” age of migration and on the methodological and conceptual challenges posed to migration research within the current developments.


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